Sunday, January 16, 2011

after Salmaan Taseer's murder

the murder of salmaan taseer has shocked everyone. and the murderer is a person in uniform.. who had the responsibility of guarding him.
this had great many implications for Pakistan, India and the world.. in that sequence.

1. the reason for killing him : apparently.. he was killed for his attempts of repealing ghastly blasphemy act.. under which court recently ordered death sentence to aasia bibi. he was killed for challenging this barbarous law.. which is inhumane to say the least.. but according to hardline mullahs, it's according to sharia.. and taseer's attempt to repeal this was violation of sharia.
note that.. salmaan was not entirely progressive figure. he had many times used his twitter account to ridicule India.. and that's not criticism.. it was ridicule.
he was killed for his support to progressive cause.. one, which would certainly have improved the life of minority a bit.
hence those criticizing him in India now.. should consider this thing.. he may have lived for different causes.. but he died for one cause that should be supported by all means.

2. the person who killed him: he is not some obscure person hailing from some remote village on the border of Afghanistan,, where he was indoctrinated into hardcore fundamentalism.. but a police guard.. who hails from Rawalpindi.. and considering his work etc.. must have a decent middle class living.
this just shows the indoctrination has reached city life.. and even professionals and particularly police is also grossly indoctrinated. this is a serious cause for concern.. as the poison from gangrenous north western part has reached main body of Pakistan.
not surprisingly.. this indoctrination taking place at almost every school, where students undergo a curriculum vitiated by lies, falsehood and glorification of some events while avoiding mention of many significant ones.
to correct this.. Pakistani liberals must come out of their boardrooms .. and change the system for better. first thing on the radar must be education.. and controlling madrasa education in right direction. the process will be slow.. but it's only sure way to success for Pakistan's long term future.

3. what happens to the bill now : is the most important thing on which future of Pakistan is based. and in fact all the world.. and especially India is watching closely what actions will politicians take now. this will give a sense of the where Pakistan is heading.. and we should all hope that Pakistan govt should not get into hiding.. fearful of more attacks.. but assert themselves so that the bill gets passed.. whatever the immediate consequences. this is surely the first step.. but important nonetheless.. anything opposite of the above will send the wrong message to those who killed him and to the world in general.

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