Saturday, October 1, 2011

Manufactured gloom.

I am angry with the things going on nowadays in the country. The political atmosphere is so vitiated by poisonous debates on many non issues and many important issues which can be game changer for India are not discussed at all, be at political level or in general public.
But i am not angry for the present situation. The real problem i am afraid is for the coming future, whichever party is in power then.

  The BJP, the principal opposition party,  have behaved in such utterly irresponsible way that they have poisoned all the body politic of India. The way they attacked the UPA govt on non issues while demanding no answer for it's follies on many fronts will cost India dear in future. Let us take one example at a time. 

The BJP's attack on govt on 2G issue based on CAG report and media , blindly accepting the figure of loss of astronomical amount of 1.76 lakh crore and viciously propagating the same in many interviews by their media faces is their biggest folly. What CAG report said as a loss is, as we all know is only notional figure and the loss is calculated based on the different policy recommendations by different people and do not constitute corruption per se. If only the investigating agency discover the money trail from ppl who benefited to people in power is established, (as was established in Raja favoring some companies where the TV group owned by DMK directly received some 200 crore "lone"). True, the immediate loss to the govt  exchequer might be great, but this was all compensated because of amazing expansion of mobile sector all over the India and because of cheap call rates almost everyone now have a mobile, thus reducing the technology gap between poor and rich. The govt must have collected more revenue (through revenue sharing model) than the loss quoted by CAG.
BJP's continuous importance to CAG report will only make matter worse for them in the future when they are in power. Do they really want a opposition, holding a CAG report in their hands, breathing on their nake when they are in power?  Really surprised by BJP's this move where they are ready to sacrifice the future for the current gains. 

The second example is their apparent backing to the jan lokpal andolan. The move was great considering that BJP had to do very little as the govt was continuously busy shooting their own feet at every opportunity they could find. But the support to the 'Gandhian' Anna movement and so called civil society movement by BJP is fraught with danger in the future as many well wishers of BJP will recognize. Do BJP  really want all the dictating power to go to the man with whom they do not share much of their ideology ? What will BJP do when they are in power when the same civil society takes an issue  in their hand which is contrary to the BJP ideology ?  What will BJP do if the same civil society takes the issue of communal violence bill ?

Another is the use of media and living on it's propagating power by continuosly using rhetorics to cater to the masses. But then they should remember that those who live by the media, die by media. The gory picture of the corruption they are creating based on media reports will come back to haunt them when they are in power.

Also I am angry with all so called national parties who do not have consistent ideology. While they will support land acquisition for a project in one state , they will oppose the same in other state. While in one state, a party will support the 'green' cause , in other state it'll do exactly the opposite. In one state they support the clemency for a accuse of murderer, in other they will make great hullabaloo over it. This double standards by any political party divides the nation against itself. The people in one region may feel that they are less favored compared to other region.
This opportunistic politics , though not new, is a curse and must change. We should demand clear cut policy based political parties. This holier than thou attitude of today's Indian political parties will not lead India anywhere in the future. Congress and BJP both are guilty of this type of politicking. I was angry with congress when they took the issue of farmers agitation in UP while at the same time they were doing the same in Haryana.

In short, BJP is destroying the current govt but not gaining anything for itself for it's future govt.. And saddest part is that they are showing the way for future agitation to congress when it is in opposition. In all this nation is going to suffer as no new investment will come in India for the fear of it's political instability. The politicians and bureaucrats are happy to just sit on the file rather than to take decisions for which they may be called corrupt in any future investigations. The case in point is Maharashtra CM Mr clean Prithviraj Chavan who is sitting on many files without taking any decisions for long time now due to the fear of being called corrupt. In an interview after the Mumbai bomb blast, he revealed that the process of acquiring security technology (case in point was cctv cameras then)  is a tortuous one and when the order is placed for them, in the meantime the technology has became old. So no purchase was happening even though the funds were available for the fear of being called corrupt and taking bribe in the futre for buying inferior instruments and technology when the superior one was available.

The lack of trust in the netas is a widespread feeling in the middle class, which, instead is turning to mavericks who guarantee 100% solution to every issue. This partly explains the recent phenomenon of awakening of middle class.The discontent is catered to by the privately owned media who constantly goes on using ultra nationalistic rhetoric giving away the sound reasoning and truth. The 2G loss figure is now household figure in middle class and they take it as a reality. This discontent is manufactured and in reality middle class in urban areas is much happier can be seen through the full page advertisements of home appliances and stuff in newspapers and the overflowing malls and shops almost in every city. Contrast this with the gloomy picture in the world, particularly in Europe, where there is existential crisis for middle classes. India is in reality, shining,  but what we get through our media and newspaper is the report of gloom and doom.

I am not sure why. 
We are wasting the opportunity of lifetime to take the mantle of world leader in our squabbling on non issues while no one is catering to the reality.

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